Duden - The illustrated dictionary of German as a foreign language. For everyday life and work 3500 images and 6000 words
See, understand and speak The dictionary of everyday and work images is aimed at all those who learn German as a foreign language. 3,500 images illustrate the most important German vocabulary, about 6,000 words and phrases. The phonetic transcri..
Duden – Deutsches Universalwörterbuch Dictionnaire universel allemand Duden Le grand dictionnaire des significations
Duden Universal German DictionaryThe Great Dictionary of MeaningsThe Dictionary of Meanings #1 presents contemporary German in a single volume. The revised and expanded 10th edition was supplemented by approximately 1,000 current words from our time...
Lern- und Übungsgrammatik Deutsch als Fremdsprache A1-B1 Learn and practice the grammar of German as a foreign language
Learn and practice the grammar of German as a foreign languageThis grammar book contains all the important grammar rules and more than 500 exercises from levels A1 to B1, presented on clear double pages. The two “Duden professionals” will accompany y..