Prüfungstraining C1 DaF exam training (German as a foreign language) C1 Goethe C1 Certificate - new edition

Prüfungstraining C1 DaF exam training (German as a foreign language) C1 Goethe C1 Certificate - new edition

  • Editions Cornelsen
  • Code ISBN : 9783061230470
  • Availability: In Stock

  • 4,600.00DZD
  • TTC: 4,600.00DZD

Workbook with solutions and audios for download

Suitable for new 2024 review

Perfectly prepared

The exam training prepares you specifically for the new modular exam of the Goethe Certificate C1 , which will be applicable from 2024 . It familiarizes learners with step-by-step exam formats and offers a diverse training program with additional tips, solutions with explanations and targeted exercises.

It is suitable for classroom use as well as independent exam preparation at home.

This ensures successful exam preparation

- Tips, tricks and strategies use the example of a model test to introduce you to the German foreign language exam in small steps and give confidence to the learners.

- Solutions with explanations explain in plain language why the solution is good or bad and help you carry out other tasks.

- The test can be realistically performed with two additional model tests.

Audio files and transcripts of listening texts are easily available for download on You can find the solutions directly in the book.

For more information about this book and its origin

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