Fokus Deutsch : Erfolgreich in Alltag und Beruf General edition C1 Success in everyday life and work

Fokus Deutsch : Erfolgreich in Alltag und Beruf General edition C1 Success in everyday life and work

  • Code ISBN : 9783065213196
  • Availability: In Stock

  • 5,000.00DZD
  • TTC: 5,000.00DZD

Course and Exercise Manual (2nd edition)
including an e-book and PagePlayer application
The Focus German C1 manual prepares advanced German learners to master more complex communication tasks in daily life and at work and transmits skills The European Commission has a number of proposals for action in this field. It is accredited by the BAMF for basic vocational language courses C1.
- The course and exercise manual contains a printed licence code for free activation of the e-book on
- It provides material for 300 teaching units .
- You can play all the media in the manual, such as audios, videos and interactive exercises, using the free Cornelsen PagePlayer application, or broadcast them and download them in the Web codes on
- In accordance with Article 45a of the Residence Act, it consistently implements the concept of employment-related support for the German language at national level.
- With the integrated exam training in four parts, it prepares you for the German for work C1, telc B2/C1 for work, telc C1 and telc C1 for work,
- Using a wide range of current and relevant topics from daily life and work as well as intensive communication training, The participants learn to master demanding and complex language actions in everyday life and especially in professional contexts.

The course and exercise manual contains twelve units of 20 pages each.
Each unit combines a general language subject with an employment-oriented subject and is divided into five learning sections:

- Four double pages A to D with clearly and transparently formulated learning objectives and a transfer task at the end of the double page - Output of page E, on which the selected and already acquired knowledge and skills are transferred to related contexts
For more information about this book and its origin

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